1. Program Overview

Published 01/17/2025

DEX is a web-based application designed to identify tests and help establish transparency between providers and payers. This tool enables labs to confidentially share test information with participating payers online. Labs register as an entity on the platform and submit their tests for review. Please visit the DEX Diagnostics Exchange Registry to login and use the platform

The Z-Code is a unique identifier that clearly identifies the test being performed on a claim, allowing the payer to know exactly what service was rendered. Providing the Z-Code on a claim, with the appropriate Recommended CPT® Code, may reduce the administrative burden labs may encounter surrounding billing for these services as it provides a means for the payer to automate adjudication or pre-authorization of claims. The Z-Code allows the payer to reproducibly and reliably assess medical necessity based on registered test information (such as intended use, methodology, and performance).

  • Medicare contractors (MACs) participating in the MolDX® program:
    • JM A/B (N.C., S.C., Va., W.Va.) and JJ A/B (Tenn., Ga., Ala.) administered by Palmetto GBA
    • JE A/B (American Samoa, Calif., Guam, Hawaii, Nev., North Marina Islands) and JF A/B (Alaska, Ariz., Idaho, Mont., N.D., Ore., S.D., Utah, Wash., Wyo.) administered by Noridian Healthcare Solutions.
    • J5 A/B (Iowa, Mo., Kan., Neb.) and J8 A/B (Mich., Ind.) administered by WPS Government Health Administrators.
    • J15 A/B (Ky., Ohio) administered by CGS Administrators, LLC.
    • For more information and directions pertaining to the MolDX program, please visit their website at www.PalmettoGBA.com/MolDX
  • Participating payers will direct you to register in DEX and obtain Z-Codes if and when required. Current participating programs:
  • Other payers participating with DEX (requirements may vary):
    • Medical Mutual of Ohio
    • Fallon Health
    • Blue Cross® and Blue Shield® of North Carolina

Please review applicable payer policies for specific CPT® codes. Z-Code requirements may vary by payer.

See Test Submission Requirements for more information about FDA-approved/cleared tests.

Test Group Options CPT Code Range (subject to change)
MoPath Tier 1 81105-81112, 81120, 81121, 81161-81364, 81374, 81377, 81381, 81383
MoPath Tier 2 81400-81408
Genomic Sequencing Procedures 81410-81471, 81493
Unlisted 81479, 81599
MAAA codes 81504-81595, 0004M-0013M, 0016M, 0017M (DNA, RNA based molecular codes only)
PLA codes Molecular codes only
Microbiology Procedure (DNA, RNA based tests only)
Infectious Disease 81513, 81514, 81515, 87154, 87483, 87505-87507, 87631-87633, 87636, 87637
Unlisted 87999
Other 87800, 87801
Proteomics (as defined by MolDX in A59636)
Unlisted 81599
MAAA codes 81490, 81500, 81503, 81517, 81539, 002M, 003M, 0015M, 0019M
PLA codes Select codes which include algorithmic analysis